We already biked to the beach and did a bit of swimming, and the water was lovely. Socks found the waves a bit too much to deal with, however. At first she had to chase each wave crest, but as wave after wave pummeled her, she got more and more reluctant. I tried to encourage her far enough in that she would be facing swells instead of waves, but by then she just wanted back out. She spent most of the time trying to lunge at seagulls or dig in the sand, but I think she enjoyed herself on balance.
The sea is especially restorative for me, and our plans don't include a lot of activities -- in fact, pretty much none. Just hanging around. Not many places we could go anyway as few are pet-friendly. We might do a little shopping, but mostly we'll just relax, go to the beach, read, swim in the pool, go biking, stuff like that. Heck, we probably won't even be going to restaurants -- again, pet friendly ones are scarce, and we'd rather not leave her in the car much -- so we'll just get delivery and take-out mostly. We're not really doing a lot of planning this time.
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