But while walking is not a great exercise for me (and trouble keeping up with it is part of what got my diabetes out of control a few years ago), biking is great (and switching to it at the recommendation of my doctor and physical therapist was the key to getting things back in control). I enjoy it, and it doesn't put anywhere near as much pressure on my knee. Plus biking is much more vigorous than walking and thus better for wearing out a dog.
The trouble is, biking with a dog is nearly impossible until the dog is fully trained to come when called and not run off. Trying to hold a leash on a bike is crazy: you can't spare the hand to hold it, the dog will pull every time she sees a squirrel and knock you over, and the leash (and the dog!) are likely to get tangled in your bike.

It's taken a little getting used to, both for me and for Socks. She's still a willful critter and loves to pull, particularly when my speed drops -- like when I'm going uphill, when pulling is the most difficult. She's especially difficult if I head uphill on the way out (possibly because the lake's the other way, or just because she's not as familiar with that direction).
However, it's mostly a positive boon. Gets her nicely exercised and, on a good day, somewhat worn out, without wearing me out or hurting my knee too much. Once I've had a chance to recover from the last few months, I could probably handle taking her on the Springer without even having to ice my knee after. It's also good exercise for me, exercise I definitely need. She's also getting me out to the reservoir and some very picturesque sights. (She loves the water and would desperately love to swim, but her leash's not long enough just yet.)
And the Springer definitely does what it's meant to do: keeps her safely on the side of the road (away from the cars) and ensures that when she tugs I can keep up and keep us going, so we can go at a pace that gets her tuckered out. In fact, it's working out so good that I'm buying a second bike, so I can keep one at home with the Springer bracket on it (the bulk of it pops off when I go riding without her), and one for at work so I can keep up my daily exercise.
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