Somehow, though, even at this advanced age, even though she's having some systems fail (balancing kidney and thyroid medications, giving her subcutaneous fluid once a week, trying to get her to put on weight in vain), and even though she's wearing a collar with ten bells on it, she still catches mice. Tried to bring in a particularly juicy one today.
You've got to give the girl credit.
She's no Maine Coon Cat though!
The cat she outlived, Kira, was a Maine Coon, pretty as a picture and as loyal as can be. She and I had a little ritual, going out on the porch before bedtime; she always knew when it was time to go out and time to come back in. I miss her.
When Brynna finally runs out of miles, we'll probably get a dog (now that we finally(!) are settled in the house we're going to live in the rest of our lives -- no more renting!), and once the dog's settled in, a couple more cats (because it's easier to add cats to a house with a dog than vice versa). Maine Coons will be high on the list, when it comes time to choose.
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