This, perhaps surprisingly, excludes a far bigger swath of my countrymates than might be obvious just listing those attributes. What really drives this home far more than any speculation or cogitation can is when you find yourself in a community that does not select on these sorts of things.
Most of the communities I participate in are full of what seem to me to be poorly-thought-out, irrational, vapid, and even stupid comments. One feels as if one is soaking in dumb sometimes when one goes out onto the Internet. And yet, a little exposure to a group that doesn't share those commonalities will make the others seem positively brilliant by comparison.
One particular community I participate in keeps driving this point home to me. Nearly every post made in it is so insipid that it reminds me of the sorts of things that, five years ago, you got forwarded to your inbox by your grandmother, with ten screenfuls of FW: lists above it. And yet this is the stuff these people sincerely feel and are actually writing themselves. Sometimes I think of quitting (I even did once but came back) just because of how completely worthless 99% of the posts are. Everyone is so completely credulous, and so suffused with saccharine cheer and optimism, and so utterly convinced that anything that was good for them must perforce be good for everyone all the time. They're the kind of people that, when stand-up comedians make fun of their trite normality, you feel like they're exaggerating and no one can be like that, but they really are. They're good-hearted but you can't help realize that they can go days, weeks, even months at a time between times they have a thought that wasn't spoon-fed to them, or seriously questioned anything.
I don't want to say what group this is, for fear of offending. Suffice to say that what brings me into this community has almost nothing to do with my hobbies, education level, background, income bracket, or any of the usual things that contribute to bringing me to a community. The only factor is a particular action in my past, which, though voluntary and also associated with proximate causes correlated with certain cultural and societal factors, is not really strongly linked with the sorts of things that shape the way a person thinks.
But after a while reading their attempts to answer genuine questions, even the comments on YouTube videos start to seem erudite. Those people might be rude, illiterate jerks, but at least their minds are able to question things.
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