What's so great about the new Kindle?
- It's 10.5 ounces and 1/3" thick
- The screen is readable at any angle even in bright sunlight
- It can hold 1500 books
- Over 200,000 books and publications are now available
- You can load text files and PDFs onto it now (free if you use the USB cable)
- It can play Audible.com audiobooks too
- It has built-in text-to-speech so every book's an audiobook when you need it
- It has a built-in dictionary
- It has a keyboard for searches and annotations
- Also doubles as an MP3 player and basic web browser (Wikipedia-compatible)
Of course in Vermont the lack of Sprint's 3G network means it would be much slower here until we get a 3G network, but it'd be usable.
Want want want!
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