The Week: Relaxing, in an amorphous, blurry way. Got a lot done on Bloodweavers, and a little on a few other projects, watched a few movies, did a little housework.

Sunday: My 39th birthday, and a very fine and fun day. Resuming, after three years, playing a roleplaying campaign set in Hârn; it was a gentle reintroduction since we all were so blurry on our memories, plus starting a relatively novice roleplayer on a very complicated system. This was a blast; I love this campaign and my character in it. Also had leftover Mexican, supplemented with frijoles de olla (simple but yummy beans, as made in Mexico), and for dessert, trifle with fresh cherries and blueberries (yum!). Also some presents...
Legos: Actually, Mega-Bloks. I have a fairly good-sized collection, and added a wonderful 1200-piece set of nicely generic pieces in a variety of colors, including some I didn't have. I always prefer generic pieces in generic sets, compared to sets that have a particular model in mind, particularly if they have pieces that are little use except in that model. It's relaxing to just start building without even deciding what you're building, even if the result is sometimes a little silly. Played with these all day, while roleplaying.

Back To Work: So far the transition back to work has been relatively painless, but it's still a little difficult. Thankfully there wasn't a huge pile of waiting issues awaiting me, nor did my cow-orkers mess up my workspace (a running office prank whenever anyone's on vacation, but I rarely get hit because I rarely participate in the hijinks myself). Getting back into the swing of things.
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