I'm absolutely delighted by most of the things I've worked out. The cosmology and mythology have a really strong high-mythic-fantasy feel, with all the symbolism tying up neatly with itself, from the numerology to how magic will work. I am very pleased the races, and even more so by the calendar -- why has no one ever used the fact that 7³ = 343, very close to the length of an Earth year, before? I love the month names even more, they're so full of feel. And best of all, the storyline really works for me; it's got high mythic overtones and gives me plenty to make the characters do, including both reactive and proactive things, with a clear and unforced buildup of tension to a grand battle climax and an unambiguous resolution that will ring with the themes and motifs of the story.
Probably I'll stick with it, despite the higher priorities, for as long as the ideas come unbidden and without effort, and then drift back to what I am supposed to be working on, but when I come back, I'll be able to do so with more enthusiasm. But right now, I'm so caught up in it, it's hard not to grab people and say, "look at this, isn't this so damned cool!!!".
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