The last few weeks I've had a slow but steady accumulation of stress which I need to start managing. As a result, I've been having some
eyelid twitching, not sleeping as well, and just been feeling put-upon and edgy, with a vague sense of dread and worry. Managing it will be mostly a matter of avoiding any new stressors, and putting a little more time into stress-draining activities, while I wait for some of the sources to resolve themselves. It's not any one or a few big things, but just an accumulation of smaller ones.
- A few things and people at work, which I won't go into, as work isn't suitable discussion fodder for blogs.
- The situation with trying to arrange assisted or independent living for Siobhan's Dad, as well as balancing the financial repurcussions thereof.
- A number of isolated incidents of my social clumsiness causing unpleasantness for other people.
- A remarkable run of gloomy, rainy weather.
- The struggle to get the HDTV problems settled, along with my blunder on buying the DSM-320.
- The whole ugly incident with that Firefly PBEM.
- An irksome exchange on the HomeSeer message boards involving someone being an idiot; ironically, this arose as a result of me spending some time programming to burn off stress.
- My efforts to get myself back on the bandwagon of proper treatment of my diabetes, including walking regularly. This adds stress at first, but eventually removes it; trouble is, stress makes me disinclined to exercise, and maybe more inclined to eat badly, so it can be self-reinforcing.
I'm sorry to hear you're having so much stress lately. Let me know if there's anything specific I can do to help.
Thanks. Things are already feeling better; yesterday and today have both been good days. Sunshine, some fun stuff in Harshlands, possible resolution on the HD thing, and a general lack of yuck. Anyway, you're already helping a lot by GMing -- roleplaying is great stress-burning and being a player even more so.
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