If I stop and look at her, I'm merely enjoying that she's pleasurable to look at. I'm not making secret plans to go up to her. I'm not even fantasizing about her. I'm simply enjoying the view. (I'm told most guys go straight from "she's nice to look at" to "I'd like to do her", but I have never been that way. Though if I did, I'm not sure that'd change anything, provided that the thought stopped there.)
Her concern is that I'm objectifying her; I'm ignoring the unique individual she is and simply admiring the shallowest surface factor, her appearance. And I am. The question is, is that so bad? How about the woman walking by right now who is entirely unremarkable and who I am not sparing a second glance. Am I objectifying her? Each of these people has a million unique traits. In one case, I ignore all million, and in the other, I only ignore 999,999 of them. Which is worse?

Everyone does that and there's nothing wrong with it. Imagine trying to get through a day if every single person you had any interaction with, even so shallowly as looking at them walking by, you stopped to try to get to know, to treat as a person, to understand their unique qualities, their histories and hopes. You'd never get off your front porch, and if you did, you'd probably be arrested.
So why is it that appreciating someone's beauty is more offensive than any of the thousand other ways I'll be objectifying someone today? Seems to me on reflection it should be one of the least offensive.
1 comment:
That's a tough one, and I wish I had a satisfactory answer. Part of it is that while my lizard brain wants to examine potential mates, her lizard brain wants to avoid unwanted mates and dangerous predators. So we're somewhat at cross purposes, you see.
For me, this is one of the few areas of civilized life where I approve of the "cool" ethos. It's OK (and kind of unavoidable) to look, but there's a difference between looking and staring.
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