Monday: The cardboard was soaked and there were puddles over a fairly large area of the basement, so it must have flushed again later and this time spewed water. So I reopened the collar and used my wet-dry shopvac to pull out the standing water and kept working it, along with the wire, to try to loosen and suck out any clog. I got a bunch of thick yellowish stuff that probably shouldn't be investigated very closely (at least going on the smell), but again, I can't feel confident I cleared a clog, since I didn't pull out anything really definitively cloggish, like a knot of hair. Tried flushing the water softener again but it didn't push out water, probably because it had just been flushed, so I have to wait for its next regen (Tuesday night) to see if it spills again.
Thursday: Though I forced another regeneration on Wednesday night, still no new water. I don't know if that means I got the clog, though. When I did the regeneration on Monday, it skipped the "purge" cycle and went straight to "fill", which makes me wonder if it isn't doing that part now even when I force a regeneration because it did it recently enough to not have anything to purge. I think I'm not going to know if it's fixed until a week or two has passed without any more spills.
Sunday: Still no spillage. Dare I assume it's fixed?
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