Life's been too busy to blog about it, and there's not really anyone reading the blog who doesn't know everything going on already, so I'll be very brief in catching up.

Recovery from the surgery has been going pretty much perfectly. Last night we made our first venture into Stage 3 (foods that can be mashed with a fork), and it was also my first time losing a meal, but that was due to an egregious tactical blunder. I was scheduled to try fish, and we ended up with the wrong kind of fish; I didn't hate it but I didn't especially like it either. The fallback was just mac-and-cheese, and therein lies the problem. I'm sure I could handle mac-and-cheese, but not without some protein first. The fallback should have been something else, even if only some canned chicken or tuna, with mac-and-cheese on the side. Today's experiment will be ground buffalo (very lean) enchiladas -- just the lean meat, some beans, some chiles, and a bit of
Cabot's exceptionally good
75%-fat-free cheddar (it's amazing how much like regular cheddar it tastes), in soft corn tortillas, with a bit of enchilada sauce. My weight's down to 392.6, from a high of 487 last May and 420 at the surgery. My blood glucose is doing good but it's hard to tell if it's changed much because the strict diet-and-exercise regimen I was on before the surgery also had it in about the same place. And goodness knows my diet is restrictive right now; but my exercise is minimal and I'm off metformin.
My father-in-law is in palliative care, or to put it more bluntly, on his deathbed, and is likely to pass within the next few days. He's no longer conscious or aware, and for all intents and purposes in a coma. Fortunately we were able to get clear input from him about his wishes in a situation like this, and this makes it a lot easier to be at peace with this as a conclusion of a life, not merely as a loss of a life. This is both an increase in stress for us, and a promise of a reduction, and we're definitely in a phase of life where we need to reduce stresses.

And on that subject, the roommates we have had the last three months are moving out today, and that is another stress reduction, not because they're bad roommates but because we're just not made to have roommates, and three months is about all we can take. One can't help feeling bad for not being able to help them more by having them stay longer, but it's the same feeling as feeling bad that, even if you give to charities generously, there's always more needed; even if you take in a few stray cats, there are always more cats needing homes. You can't drive yourself crazy agonizing over what you can't or don't do; you just have to do your part, and be comfortable knowing it's enough -- it's more than most people do, right?
I've been more active in
SecondLife again recently, and one of the things I've gotten involved in is a tiny little game called
TinyEmpires. It's sort of a game-within-a-game (even though SecondLife isn't really a game) because you play it not by going to places in SecondLife and doing things, but rather, in a tiny little pop-up window on your HUD (heads-up display) which is there in the corner of the screen all the time, while you're doing other SecondLife things like chatting, dancing, shopping, etc. In TinyEmpires you are a feudal lord trying to advance in ranks by gaining acres and subjects; every three minutes is a game-month in which you earn income from your acres, receive homage from your subjects, pay homage to your liege (all of these happen automatically), and usually get one or more "offers" which are how to actually play the game. Offers are things like buying or selling land, recruiting new subjects, chances to change liege, puzzles to solve for reward gold, and other things. This is what keeps the game so simple: you can't actually do anything until an offer shows up, so all you really do is, every few minutes, click Yes or No on a couple of things. It's completely unintrusive and undemanding but fun, and it also leads to socialization opportunities since you get to meet and talk to the
other people in your kingdom.

While we were in North Carolina, the
Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD war finally
ended. Two years ago when we bought the HDTV and associated accessories, we didn't have enough earmarked to cover the cost of both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, so I went with just
HD-DVD because all the movies available on HD that I wanted were on HD-DVD. But I knew I would eventually need
Blu-Ray, so I started putting a few dollars a week aside for it. (Slow going, but it's been very hard to save any money lately. But it's a sensible fiscal policy to always have a few dollars going to the Fun Stuff Fund: it helps you get those things you really want as part of a planned budget, purchased at a sensible opportunity, rather than on a whim at a bad price when you can't really afford it. It's just not practical to pretend you can't ever buy fun things; temptation always wins, so it's best to make it a budget item.) After two years of savings we had enough for a
PS3 (only about $30 more than a comparable Blu-Ray player, so even though we're not console gamers, why not?) and a bundle of Blu-Ray DVDs. But we're so far behind on TV after our two weeks away we haven't had time to watch any of them yet!